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«  Май 2012  »
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Главная » 2012 » Май » 14 » 25 способов завязать шарф (платок)
25 способов завязать шарф (платок)
25 Ways to Wear a Scarf in 4.5 Minutes!

:: Behind the Scenes :: http://www.wendyslookbook.com/2011....a-scarf

The Infinity vs. DIY Infinity =D :: http://wendyslookbook.com
The difference is very subtle - the first fold. The Infinity is folded along the diagonal while the DIY Infinity is folded in half, horizontally. The Infinity starts off as a triangle, whereas the DIY Infinity begins as a rectangle. It seems like a trivial difference, but due to the shape, the Infinity fold works best with square scarves whereas the DIY version can be pulled off on thicker longer scarves. Also, because of the different starting shapes, the way the scarves drape are also slightly different. I wanted to include both in case people had trouble with the Infinity fold on their scarves, but due to the speed of the video, the first step was a bit harder to convey sad

For scarf tutorial videos on how to tie these styles, please select which box you would like to see at the end. Scarves are great for every season - from light chiffon scarves for Spring and Summer to voluminous cashmere scarves for Fall to thick wool scarves for Winter - scarves are the perfect accessory to compliment any outfit. Thank you for watching!

:: Scarves ::
Box 1 - 6 :: Alexander McQueen silk skull scarf (http://bit.ly/GMjttl)
Box 7 - 12 :: Louis Vuitton silk-cashmere leopard scarf
Box 13 - 18 :: Nordstrom cashmere scarves
Box 19 - 22 :: Missoni multi-color scarf
Box 23 - 25 :: Thrifted flower printed scarf

how to tie a scarf
tie a scarf
ways to wear a scarf
winter scarf
spring scarf
scarf tutorial
fashion tutorial
how to wear a scarf

Категория: Мастеру на заметку | Просмотров: 1732 | Добавил: reg | Теги: 25, способ, шарф, советы, видео, красота, двадцать пять, платок, женщина, завязать | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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